
Walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus
Walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus

walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus

Early pterosaurs called Peteinosaurus are depicted feeding on dragonflies and cooling themselves in the little water remaining during the drought.

walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus

A male Saurosuchus, a rauisuchian and one of the largest carnivores alive in the Triassic, attacks the Placerias herd, and wounds one individual the herd scatters, leaving the wounded Placerias to the Saurosuchus. Downstream, a male Probelesodon resides in a burrow with his family. Plot Episode 1: New Blood 220 million years ago: Late Triassic (Arizona) Filming location: New Caledoniaīy a river, a female Herrerasaurus stalks a herd of dicynodonts called Placerias, looking for weak members to prey upon.

Walking with dinosaurs apatosaurus